Supervised Visitation

This program provides a safe, neutral environment where a parent and child(ren) may become reacquainted with each other and develop relationally in healthy ways. This program accepts court ordered cases and reunification cases.


Fees for Supervised Visitation will be split between both the Visiting Adult and the Custodial Adult, unless it is stated in a court order that one party is to pay the fee.

A non-refundable set-up fee for Supervised Visitation and Therapeutic Supervised Visitation is $200. Connecticut Counseling Center, LLC uses a tiered fee system.

Connecticut Counseling Center uses a sliding scale:

  • Above $90,000: $125/hour
  • Between $60,000 and $89,000: $90/hour
  • Under $59,000: $65/hour

Conduct and expectations of all adults

While the content of your visits is confidential to the point of a release of information, it is limited in some cases. All adults must comply with a safety screen in order to be cleared to be on the property. In the cases where there have been arrests, court ordered protection, probation and/parole either the custodial or visiting family-the background of those parties either visiting or custodial will be reviewed by our onboarding team.  Connecticut Counseling Center, LLC reserves the right to ban or refuse certain parties from the property-on the basis of existing offenses, certain types of violations/restraining orders, violent behavior and weapons charges and/or in the case where individuals  become disruptive or disorderly on this property which includes parking areas and surrounding roads. In cases where police are called to a disruption or disturbance, the case will be closed and you will receive a referral to another agency.

What happens during a visit?

There are two types of visits:

Supervised Visits: Visits where the therapist monitors the visit and gathers data to create progress reports that are available to be used in court cases and with DCF. The visit takes place in the therapy room and sometimes outside with a therapist team present and observing. They will interrupt your visit if they assess that intervention or behavior change needs to occur. We are providing a space for a healthy productive visit that is focused on interaction with the child(ren). Visiting parents should make efforts to make the visit interesting, child focused and healthy. 

Please review rules of conduct for participating in these visits. In the cases where a visiting parent intentionally or unintentionally breaks guidelines they will be reminded of healthy visit guidelines. Repeated or escalated violations will result in cancelling the visit in order for the therapy team and the visiting parent to discover how to plan for a healthier visit in the future. The therapy team may also interrupt or end a visit when a child is judged to be in too much distress. 

Visits are conducted in supervision rooms, which are equipped with one way mirrors so that supervision of the visit can happen without a therapist directly involved in the visit.

Therapeutic Supervised Visitation: Therapeutic Supervised Visitation has the same components as Supervised Visitation with 15 to 30 minutes of therapeutic support for the visiting parent at the end of the visit.  In this time, attachment, positive parenting ideas, and skill building is addressed.

Data and Report Writing:

These data observed in the visits are used to create progress reports which are written once a month in the last three days and are faxed to the court or lawyers, including any guardian ad litem.  Note: these progress reports are automatically faxed monthly to all legal counsel listed on the visitation release forms. Other documentation or letter writing requires a written request and letters take 72 hours to prepare. In cases where there is an immediate demand all parties involved in the visitation will be charged 10.00(total to not exceed 20.00)

How to get started with Supervised Visitation:

Both parental parties need to call the office number 203-884-0535 to begin the process.  We will not call parents or guardians.  Potential cases will be held for one month after one party has contacted Connecticut Counseling Center, LLC.  After one month, those unopened cases will be archived.  

Connecticut Counseling Center, LLC will call you back within 24 hours to ask for basic information about the case, send out the intake paperwork to be filled out, and set up an intake date.  Supervised Visitation with children will begin when both parental parties have called, filled out paperwork, each had a one hour intake, the child has met the clinical and provider team, and payments have been made.

Additional Information:

Connecticut Counseling Center, LLC is a unique center in which we offer master’s level graduate students and associate licensed clinicians the opportunity to engage and treat clients while licensed clinicians view and observe behind a one way mirror.

Connecticut Counseling Center, LLC strongly encourages client families that attend Supervised Visits to participate in reunification therapy, family therapy, co parenting therapy, or individual therapy (depending if there is a restraining or protective order).

Supervised Visitation is a means to provide the court with neutral information as well as for parents and children to continue their relationship with one another.  We hope in providing this information to the courts, the family can move on from our services and continue their relationship outside of the center.  

How long is the supervised visitation process from start to finish?  To give the court enough information, expect the minimum amount of time to be three months.  The maximum amount for cases that do not have any incidents (inside or outside sessions) will be six months.

Contact Us

Connecticut Counseling Center

422 Highland Ave
Building C
Cheshire, CT 06410

(203) 884-0535

Have a question? Send us a message.